Hours of Operation
The media center is open between the hours of 7:40 A.M. and 3:40 P.M.. for staff members. The media center is one of the before school choices for students. Students may come to the media center to check out books or read quietly as often as needed.
Pre-K through 1st grade students may check out one book at a time.
Second through 5th grade students may check out two books at a time.
Loan period: Two Weeks
Damage notices are sent home every six in the Wednesday signed paper folders. Students will not be allowed to check out any books until overdue material is returned. If a book is not returned by the end of the school year the replacement cost of the book must be paid before the report card is released to the student.
Abuse of books will not be tolerated. If the damage is to the extent that the book must be replaced (e.g. water damage causing mold/mildew, pages completely torn out and missing), the damage fee will equal the replacement cost of the item.
Students who owe damage fees will not be allowed to check out further books until the fee has been paid.